Monday, August 2, 2010

Palomo Aguilar Family Facebook Page

Palomo Aguilar Family Page launched on Facebook. Find it HERE. For two occasions already, the Aguilar Family of Passi, Ilo-ilo have  met and great happiness transpired. My Uncle Noel infact quoted that after 44 longs years, the Aguilar Family is in touch again.. And not only in touch, we are now bonded.. Imagine that. 

During Auntie Vicky's birthday, we have met 7 Uncles and Aunties, cousins of my father.. And my goodness, I can see so much semblance that run sin the Aguilar line. Truly amazing. In November, when we join the VBS, I would very much like to see the remaining living siblings of my Lolo Peping--- 

Monday, May 24, 2010

L-­Ergothioneine (“ERGO”)

Have you visited lately? Well, I found out that they have products with L-­Ergothioneine (“ERGO”) or what is known as super anti-oxidant to combat oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a very unhealthy condition where the skin become old-looking and it is caused by many factors. Diseases like cancer, or Alzheimer's usually tend to cause this abnormal aging process that even anti aging creams may not be able to help solve. Anti oxidants are necessary to combat oxidative stress as we go about our lives everyday, being exposed to free radicals.

If you wanna know more, follow Oxis on Twitter or like Oxis on facebook.